Laura Smith

Hello! I'm a PhD student in CS at UC Berkeley advised by Sergey Levine. I work on enabling robots to interact with and learn in the real world, so as to acquire human-like abilities. My early PhD was supported in part by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, and I am thankful to be supported now by a Google PhD Fellowship.

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smithlaura at berkeley dot edu

Grow Your Limits: Continuous Improvement with Real-World RL for Robotic Locomotion

Laura Smith*, Yunhao Cao*, Sergey Levine
ICRA 2024
Webpage  •   PDF

Learning and Adapting Agile Locomotion Skills by Transferring Experience

Laura Smith, J. Chase Kew, Tianyu Li, Linda Luu, Xue Bin Peng, Sehoon Ha, Jie Tan, Sergey Levine
RSS 2023
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RoboPianist: Dexterous Piano Playing with Deep RL

Kevin Zakka, Philipp Wu, Laura Smith, Nimrod Gileadi, Taylor Howell, Xue Bin Peng, Sumeet Singh, Yuval Tassa, Pete Florence, Andy Zeng, Pieter Abbeel
CoRL 2023
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Efficient Online Reinforcement Learning with Offline Data

Philip J. Ball*, Laura Smith*, Ilya Kostrikov*, Sergey Levine
ICML 2023.
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A Walk in the Park: Learning to Walk in 20 Minutes With Model-Free Reinforcement Learning

Laura Smith*, Ilya Kostrikov*, Sergey Levine
RSS Demo Track, 2023.
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Legged Robots that Keep on Learning: Fine-Tuning Locomotion Policies in the Real World

Laura Smith, J. Chase Kew, Xue Bin Peng, Sehoon Ha, Jie Tan, Sergey Levine
ICRA 2022.
Webpage  •   PDF  •   Code

Offline Meta-Reinforcement Learning with Online Self-Supervision

Vitchyr H. Pong, Ashvin Nair, Laura Smith, Catherine Huang, Sergey Levine
ICML 2022.
Webpage  •   PDF

PEBBLE: Feedback-Efficient Interactive Reinforcement Learning via Relabeling Experience and Unsupervised Pre-Training

Kimin Lee*, Laura Smith*, Pieter Abbeel
ICML 2021, Long Oral Presentation.
Webpage  •   PDF  •   Code

AVID: Learning Multi-Stage Tasks via Pixel-Level Translation of Human Videos

Laura Smith, Nikita Dhawan, Marvin Zhang, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine
RSS 2020.
Webpage  •   PDF  •   BAIR Blog

SOLAR: Deep Structured Latent Representations for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Marvin Zhang*, Sharad Vikram*, Laura Smith, Pieter Abbeel, Matthew Johnson, Sergey Levine
ICML 2019.
Webpage  •   PDF  •   Code  •   BAIR Blog


Co-Organizer, CoRL Workshop on Learning to Adapt and Improve in the Real World


Reviewer, CoRL, RA-L, ICRA, NeurIPS, IROS, ICLR.

Board Member, UC Berkeley Women in EECS


Co-Organizer, Berkeley AI Research Mentoring Program


Guest Lecture at UC Berkeley CS287: Advanced Robotics (video)


Co-Organizer, Robot Learning Lab Outreach


Guest Lecture at UC Berkeley CS10: The Beauty and Joy of Computing (video)